10 Rare Cigars in the US
True aficionados search far and wide for the rarest, and best, cigars. Some collectors crawl the globe, frequent estate sales, and visit auction houses in the U.S. and abroad to find treasured and fabled cigars released years ago in limited edition batches.
That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 10 of the rarest cigars we’ve discovered. Thanks to the magic of the internet, you just might be able to find some of these remarkable cigars and even have them mailed to your door....assuming you have the budget and the requisite connections and luck to help you find these elusive trophy smokes in the first place.
Read on and get intel on some of the hardest-to-find cigars on the market, and learn more about why they are so highly coveted in the first place.
King of Denmark
While technically not the rarest cigar around, the whopping $4,500 per unit price tag makes the King of Denmark so exclusive. Manufactured by the Royal Danish Cigar Co. and made especially to order, only around 30 cigars are produced per day, each wrapped in gold foil and emblazoned with the name of the client ordering it. With a recipe dating from the 19th century, this cigar has quite the history––and an unforgettable taste. If you’re feeling extra fancy, you can splurge on a Royal Danish specialty $8,500 humidor that comes with a crown of sterling silver and plated in 24-karat gold.
Cohiba Behike
One of the most famous brands in the world also has a line of exceptionally elite cigars: the Behike. Priced at $450 per cigar, this 2006 limited edition release celebrates Cohiba’s 40th anniversary. At that time, the company only produced 100 boxes, each containing only 40 cigars. Grown, blended, and hand-crafted at their El Laguito Cohiba factory, these choice cigars are sized at an elegant 7.5 inches and are a very rare find, indeed.
Arturo Fuente ‘Fuente Opus X’
The cigar blend that changed everything for the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic was widely considered unsuitable for growing premium tobacco leaf––that is, until Carlito Fuente Jr. had the inspired idea to plant 37 acres of Cuban seeds there, forever altering that perception. With a leathery taste that marries with a hint of red pepper, this positively delicious Dominican puro is one of the highest rated cigars in the world. And, as you might assume, they’re extremely difficult to find. That said, once in a blue moon, Fuente releases a new batch of this most beloved cigar, so keep your eyes peeled.
Davidoff 80 Aniversario
In 1986, one of the most widely respected cigar makers made one of the most sought after cigars. The 80 Aniversario was created in honor of the eponymous founder Zeno Davidoff’s 80th birthday. However, it’s not just its great taste that has cigar enthusiasts searching far and wide for this collectors item; the 80 Aniversario is also a piece of cigar history. It was one of the last cigars Davidoff manufactured at the famous El Laguito factory in Havana, marking the end of a thirty year relationship between the Swiss cigar makers and the Cuban government. This delicious, historical near 9-inch Cuban received a perfect score in Cigar Aficionado.
Trinidad 50 Aniversario
A famously mystery-shrouded cigar, Trinidads have a curious history. Legend has it that they weren’t originally manufactured for general consumption, but instead were intended to be diplomatic gifts for Fidel Castro’s use. Thankfully, the line entered commercial production in the late 90s, and you can now buy its less enigmatic offspring fairly easily. However, if you want the closest thing to the original diplomatic cigars, you’re going to need quite a bit of disposable income; in 2019, a humidor containing 50 of Trinidad’s 50 Aniversario cigars went at auction for an astounding $340,000. There are only 99 more of these humidors in existence, so you better start saving up now.
“21 Club” Cigars
Here’s a bit of New York City legend: there was once a storied club and restaurant in midtown Manhattan with its own stock of private-label Cubans called the “21”. A favorite haunt of Ernest Hemingway, Truman Capote, and Humphrey Bogart, among many other megastars of the mid-twentieth century, the “21” brought in nearly a million cigars just before the Cuban embargo was enacted. While its famed supply of private label smokes have dwindled to near nonexistence, some of the club’s legendary cigars still live on in the humidors of elite aficionados.
Fuente Don Carlos Box-Pressed Belicosos
This is a true collector’s item. The late Carlos Fuente Sr. would make a box-pressed belicoso for himself, and though he would occasionally give some away, this was about as private of a brand as was ever manufactured. Never released commercially, it’s rumored that the Box-Pressed Belicosos are of extraordinary quality and that the cigar’s ash stays intact well beyond the three quarter smoked mark. This cigar was hard to find when Fuente was still alive, but now it’s nearly impossible.
Dunhill Flor Del Punto
Few names carry greater weight in the world of Cuban cigars than Dunhill. The
London retailer produced many an elite cigar, perhaps none more so than the Flor Del Punto. With its standard “white rose” band, it was one of the finest cigar retailer’s finest cigars. But good luck finding one––the brand was discontinued in 1982.
Padrón 1964 Anniversary Series Millennium
Released in 2000, the Padrón 1964 Anniversary Series Millennium was produced in batches of 1,000 boxes, each containing 100 cigars. This coveted cigar scored a whopping 98 points in Cigar Aficionado, which may account for why so few of the 100,000 smokes remain for sale. There’s still the occasional box circulating, but they tend to come with a massive price tag.
Cohiba Piramides “A.”: AKADinner of the Century Cohibas
In 1995, Marvin R. Shanken, the legendary publisher of Cigar Aficionado, held a dinner in Paris dubbed “The Dinner of the Century.” A special black-tie fundraiser for the magazine, plenty of event-exclusive cigars were smoked that night, but none was more exclusive than the enormous Cohiba Piramides “A.” At over 9 inches long, these were a special one-off cigar made for this once-in-a-lifetime event. Six boxes were auctioned off that evening, but it’s possible that a few more of these magical cigars are still out there somewhere.
If you’re ever lucky enough to find one of these ten incredibly rare cigars, you better have all the necessary cigar smoking accoutrements at the ready. On your list should be a cigar holder, like Stage V. Crafted with industrial-strength neodymium magnets, Stage V Cigar holders easily attach to golf carts, boats, or cars. You’ll never again mark up a wood surface or glass table. Put simply, Stage V makes a well-designed holder that keeps your hard-to-find cigar, and smoking surroundings of choice, protected and safe.