Enjoy the Best Mild Cuban Alternatives
Quality Cuban cigars continue to be elusive in America, which is forcing more aficionados to search for easier alternatives. When Americans were finally allowed to bring back Cuban cigars in 2016, they were faced with some unexpected challenges. Lack of regulation and rampant sales of fake premium cigars led to many tourists taking back subpar smokes. To make matters even more complicated, sales of Cuban cigars remain illegal in America. This forces aficionados to personally travel to Cuba to bring back their favorite sticks.
Faced with an industry that’s starting to fail expectations, many cigar lovers are shying away from Cubans. Now that business is booming in Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic, there are plenty of high-end releases that are easy to attain in America. On top of being affordable, these Central American cigars are giving Cuba a run for their money. From full-bodied Padróns to delightfully complex Dominicanos, there’s no reason to hold out for Cubans.
The effects of the decades-long embargo are still echoing throughout the industry, and have created some truly tempting competitors. There’s nothing worse than paying an outrageous price for a mediocre cigar, especially in Cuba. The remaining complexity of the market is causing consumers' tastes to shift. To highlight what’s available, we compiled a list of the best mild Cuban alternatives on the market. These mild cigars boast tastes that are so exotic that they have managed to seduce an entire generation. Their blend’s rival anything produced in Cuba, so discover why they can’t be missed!
Top Mild Cuban Alternatives in 2019
Cigar #3: Padrón Dámaso – This delightful offering from Padrón caters to aficionados who prefer mild cigars. Fans of the Cuban Fonseca, Saint Luis Rey or Quai d’Orsay will fall head over heels for this surprisingly tame release. Instead of sticking with their usual heavy hitting Nicaraguan puros formula, Padrón went easy with this release. It salutes the company’s late patriarch, José Padrón’s grandfather Dámaso. Boasting an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, this stick provides a smooth smoke that’s full of subtle treats. By captivating clients from around the world, it proves mild cigars can still be a hit.
Cigar #2: Macanudo Mao – Even though this brand has changed drastically, the quality of their products hasn’t. What started as mild Jamaican cigars rolled by Cubans gradually evolved into one of the most infamous brands in the Dominican Republic. By blending Nicaraguan and Colombian fillers, this cigar does its creamy Connecticut shade wrapper justice. Macanudo Mao’s salute one of the most fertile farming regions in the Dominican Republic. Their taste is incomparable, which makes them a must for any cigar aficionado!
Cigar #1: Hamlet 25th Year – This is yet another example of a mild Cuban-style cigar that steals the show. It’s created by none other than the cigar rolling master Hamlet Paredes. This man’s cigar rolling skills are legendary, and he made a name for himself by rolling cigars without molds. This rare talent made him a hero in Cuba, and Hamlet toured the world showing off his freehand skills. In 2015, this Cuban prodigy was hired by Rocky Patel.
To celebrate his 25th anniversary rolling, they created the Hamlet 25th Year. This brilliant mild-plus blend artfully blends custard sweetness with sage-like spices. In many ways, this release embodies the best of both worlds. It allows users to indulge in a Cuban made cigar without the stipulations that come with products that are actually produced in Cuba. This cigar is a piece of history, so don’t hesitate to indulge in a box!