Exploring the Main Types of Cigars
Just like the brand, the type of cigar is a key factor when choosing a new smoke. They can vary wildly, & the shape of a cigar can greatly affect the smoking experience. From the draw to the burning time, cigar types make an impact. This defining aspect of a cigar tells users what shape to expect when purchasing a cigar. There are plenty of industry standards, but many companies try to break the mold with creative designs. This is nothing new, & it has been used as a marketing ploy by producers for centuries.
Since standing out is the name of the game, the race to create memorable cigar shapes is in full swing. Since it can help sway hesitant buyers, plenty of money has been invested in creating new styles. Out all the wild releases, about 12 cigar types have been cemented in the industry. Over time they made the transition from fancy whims to respected cigar types.
Since there are countless variations, picking the proper cigar type can be daunting. To get the most out of your smoke, educating yourself on the different cigar types is essential. For this reason, we have compiled a list of the 10 most respected types of cigars. They have seduced connoisseurs around the world, so get ready to peak your curiosity with this list!
Classic Types of Cigars
Out of all the variations most cigars will fall into one category, Parejos. These are straight-sided cigars that have an open foot that needs to be cut before lighting. Within this category, the cigars are either round or box-pressed. The latter variation is rare, since the sides have to be pressed into a square shape. This can be created during pre-packing or with the packing pressure inside the box of cigars. This method is definitely unique, but round Parejos are still the most embraced type of cigars.
Out of all the Parejos, 7 types steal the show:
- The Corona is the size from which all other sizes are measured. They are usually 5 ½ to 6 in length with a 42-44 ring gauge.
- The Petit Corona is a miniature corona about 4 ½ inches long with a 40-42 ring gauge.
- The Churchill is the largest of the corona’s, with 7 inches in length & a 47 ring gauge.
- The Robusto is the most popular cigar type in America. They are short & fat, measuring 4 ¾ to 5 ½ inches with a 48-52 ring gauge.
- The Corona Gorda also goes by the name Toro. They are normally 5 5/8 inches long with a 46-ring gauge. But they can also be 6 inches long with a 50-ring gauge. Recently, they have emerged from obscurity & are exploding in popularity.
- The Double Corona is 7 ½ to 8 ½ inches long with a 49-52 ring gauge.
- The Panetela is strikingly similar to a beefed-up cigarette. They are long & thin, measuring 5 to 7 ½ inches with a 34-38 ring gauge. Even though their popularity is fading, they are an iconic type of cigar.
While Parejos are more uniform, Figurados break the mold. This category of cigars includes anything that isn’t a straight sided cylinder. As cigar producers fought to broaden their portfolios, they ventured into creating Figurados. These exotic looking cigars are a fun burst of individuality in an industry plagued by conformity.
Out of all the different Figurados, 3 types are most recognized:
- The Pyramid is a cigar that sports a head that tapers to a point. They have cut feet, & their unique shape provides an unmatched burst of flavor. They are usually 6 to 7 inches in length. The 40-ring gauge head widens to a 52 or 54 ring gauge at the foot.
- The Torpedo is easily confusable with a Pyramid, but it has a closed foot. They have a head that tapers to a point, with a noticeable bulge in the middle. Amidst rampant misrepresentation, finding a true Torpedo is rare.
- The Culebra is one of the most exotic shapes of cigars ever made. They are created by braiding three Panetelas together & tying them with string. They are usually 5 to 6 inches long, with a 38 ring gauge. To smoke them the string is untied & each braid is enjoyed separately. Their heyday is far from over, but they aren’t nearly as popular as they were 100 years ago.