Top New Cigars in 2019
The international cigar industry is flourishing, so it’s no surprise that 2019 is filled with epic new cigar releases. Between flavored and premium cigars, this once ailing smoking option is making a comeback. Boosted by a growing popularity amongst millennials, cigars are enjoying a modern renaissance. In America cigar sales exceeded $8.2 million in 2018, and this demand is only getting bigger. Boasting a forecasted annual growth of 8.1%, the global cigar market is set to reach new heights. Unsurprisingly, these impressive figures are paving the way for some exceptional new cigars.
Every year countless premium cigars make their debut, and 2018 was no exception. These innovative releases won over aficionados with their unique blend of flavors. As we enter a new year, many of these new cigars are too unique to miss. To highlight which cigars stole the show last year, we compiled a list of the best new cigars in 2019. These sticks boast flavors that are robust enough to tantalize even the most jaded taste buds. Their novelty is impossible to ignore, so prepare to find your next favorite stick on this list!
Best New Cigars in 2019
Cigar #5: Gran Habano Blue in Green – This innovative release provides a medium-bodied alternative to a treasured classic. Utilizing Gran Habano’s signature Nicaraguan fillers, this cigar is a treat for newcomers and veteran smokers alike. It’s complimented by a U.S. Connecticut Shade wrapper, which allows it to properly showcase its quality fillers. This unique blend provides a smooth, creamy taste that boasts hints of coffee, toasted bread and spices. It’s the perfect cigar to usher in the New Year with, so don’t hesitate to pick up a box!
Cigar #4: Macanudo Inspirado Red – When it comes to quality releases from Macanudo, this cigar breaks the mold. Instead of conforming to the company’s tradition of mellow cigars, the Inspirado Red made its own lane with a delightfully defiant flavor. It sports a superb blend of 10-year aged Honduran Jamastran, 12-year aged Ometepe and 5-year aged Esteli filler. This fiery combination of rare tobaccos are united with a Nicaraguan binder and wrapped in an Ecuadorian Habano ligero leaf. In the end, users get to indulge in a symphony of earthy, peppery, smooth, spicy flavors. This new cigar is notable enough to maintain its position as a classic in 2019!
Cigar #3: Joya de Nicaragua Cinco Decadas – When Joya celebrated their 50th anniversary, they christened the event with this unforgettable release. Their dark Nicaraguan wrapper contains a mixture of filler and tobaccos that are so novel that they kept it a company secret. While what’s inside remains a mystery, there’s no denying its alluring flavors. With a unique selection of sweet, spicy, earthy and rich flavors, this cigar embodies everything we love about Joya. Cinco Decadas is the perfect way to celebrate every day like it’s a historic milestone!
Cigar #2: Romeo San Andreas – This breathtaking cigar was created by the collaboration of three cigar producing heavyweights. Rafael Nodal, AJ Fernandez and Altadis USA all teamed up to make this release unforgettable. Its unapologetically dark and oily San Andrés wrapper is filled with perfectly aged Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers. This creates a robust flavor with hints of dark cherry, chocolate, pepper and earth. It doesn’t get more enjoyable than this deep full-bodied smoke, so add it to your arsenal!
Cigar #1: CAO Nicaragua – When this cigar made its debut at the 2018 IPCPCR trade show, it inadvertently took the industry by storm. Thanks to Nicaragua’s volcanic soil and perfect humidity, their tobacco boasts flavors that can’t be found anywhere else. CAO Nicaragua showcases Nicaragua’s finest fillers that are nestled in a Honduran Jamastran wrapper. The end result is an unforgettable smoke that’s rich in black pepper, dark chocolate, roasted nuts and dried fruit notes. This groundbreaking mixture is offered in three Vitolas: Tipitapa, Granada and Matagalpa. With this many variations, there’s no excuse not to indulge in CAO’s monumental comeback.