New Year's Resolutions Every Cigar Lover Should Make
As 2018 comes to a close, it’s time for cigar aficionados to set their sights on the upcoming year. From adopting new hobbies to getting rid of old habits, there’s plenty of ways to make 2019 more prosperous. This time of reflection sets the stage for millions of Americans to make resolutions that address multiple aspects of their lives. Unfortunately, making goals and keeping them are two different tasks. Of the 40% of Americans that make New Year’s resolutions, only 8% actually achieve them. Over 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail before the end of February, which means most Americans are setting unrealistic goals.
To avoid falling into the same pitfalls as everyone else, cigar lovers need to make their New Year’s resolutions distinct. While saving money and improving health are great goals, they fail to capture the adventurous spirit that our readers have. Instead of creating a generic resolution that probably won’t happen, it’s time to make 2019 about enjoying cigars. There’s no reason to torture yourself with an unrealistic resolution, so start off the year with clearer expectations.
In an effort to restore our reader’s faith in New Year’s resolutions, we compiled this list of goals for 2019. Each entry is made by and for cigar aficionados, which make them ideal to implement in the upcoming year. From diversifying your palette to incorporating an unexpected trip, these resolutions are guaranteed to make 2019 unforgettable. There’s nothing worse than stagnating in an outdated routine, so discover how to break free from tradition with this list!
New Year’s Resolutions for Cigar Aficionados
Resolution #1: Try Something New Every Month – While sticking with the same cigar brands is comforting, it can lead to missing out on better options. There are too many types of cigars to avoid exploring the possibilities. Half of knowing what you like is the result of trying something that didn’t agree with your tastes. For this reason, trying new cigars is essential. To avoid falling into a mundane routine, try a new cigar at least once a month. For the extra adventurous, this rotation can be done once a week. Treat your taste buds by adding some much needed diversity!
Resolution #2: Visit a New Cigar Lounge – Whether it’s a favorite chair or a local hangout, it’s easy to fall into a pattern when smoking. Now that most places are illegal to smoke in, many aficionados settle for the easiest venue to reach. While this makes enjoying a smoke convenient, it leads to redundancy. To avoid falling into this trap, make a point to visit a new cigar lounge. Even if it’s a few hours away, being exposed to new venues opens up doors to innovation. From finding new cigars to meeting like-minded people, there’s plenty of reasons to switch up where you smoke!
Resolution #3: Save Up for Cuba – Even though this may sound outrageous, visiting Cuba is more attainable than most people think. Now that the restrictions between America and Cuba have eased up, the doors have been opened to tourism. Plenty of airlines have jumped on this bonanza, which has created a slew of flights. Tickets to Cuba can be found for $200 from Miami, which makes it a surprisingly affordable trip.
Even for those on a tight budget, the trip can still be make through proper planning. Simply setting aside $20 a week for a year generates $1,040, which is enough for a week in Cuba. Seeing the sheer amount of love and labor that goes into cigar production is worth taking the flight. Traveling to Cuba has never been easier for Americans, so seize the opportunity to visit this cigar producing powerhouse!